Who is Mokosozo?

Modern Art.
β€œI could do that”…
Yeah but you didn’t.

Years ago, I encountered this statement that remains etched in my memory. My art is a harmonious blend of traditional techniques β€” from graffiti to watercolor and paint splatters β€” but it's the bold, captivating imagery that always steals the show. Digital creation isn't just a few clicks and a print command; it's a testament to the artist's dedication, vision, and passion. From a spark of inspiration two decades ago to today, my journey in the world of art has been nothing short of transformative. With 20 years of creative design experience under my belt, every piece I craft is a fusion of skill, knowledge, and an insatiable drive to innovate. My art seamlessly blends traditional techniques β€” encompassing graffiti, watercolor, and paint splatters β€” with the audacious imagery that never fails to captivate.

But let me let you in on a secret: the true artistry isn't just in the design but in the transition. The magic moment when a digital masterpiece finds its soul on a tangible, large format canvas. In a world where many are content with the confines of their screens, I've dared to envision and manifest the colossal.

I've often been asked how I manage to constantly push the boundaries of what's deemed 'acceptable' in the art realm. The answer? A blend of audacity, a wealth of creative expertise, determined attitude and an unyielding commitment to my craft. My drive stems not from wanting to prove the naysayers wrong β€” though that is a delightful bonus β€” but from the belief that art should never be static. It should challenge, evolve, and above all, inspire.

When I embarked on this journey, the art community was a different landscape. Many revered the traditional and questioned the authenticity of digital creations. "Can artistry emerge from a computer?", they'd ask. But, undeterred by the skeptics and armed with two decades of design prowess, I forged ahead. After countless hours of rigorous industry research and outreach, my vision was validated by a growing cohort of believers that are now collectors. It was from this groundswell of support that Mokosozo was born.

In a world of shifting perspectives, I still find myself pondering the age-old question: What is ART? For me, it's more than a visual treat. It's an experience. A crescendo of emotion, ignited by subject, color, and tone, resulting in a symphony that resonates deep within the soul.

If my art can stop you dead in your tracks, even for a few seconds to absorb and ponder what visual feast your eyes are seeing, my role as an artist is complete.